Shareholders present at Schweizer Electronic AG's annual shareholders' meeting on July 5, 2013 followed the proposal submitted by the Executive and Supervisory Boards and agreed to pay a dividend of 0.55 Euro per share for the fiscal year 2012. This corresponds to a dividend ratio of 52 % based on the balance sheet profit. Thus shareholders benefit from the positive course of the business year and a dividend payment increased by 17 % compared to the previous year. Furthermore, SCHWEIZER will have employees participate in the company's success and this way express their appreciation for the outstanding contribution. This payout, amounting to about 480,000 Euro, exceeds last year's payment by 9 %.
Beyond the proposal for paying a dividend, the plenum, which gathered in Rottweil, agreed to all other proposals with a vast majority. As about 100 shareholders joined the meeting, 83 % of the share capital was represented. Additionally, about 70 guests were present.
In their speeches Dr. Marc Schweizer, CEO, and Marc Bunz, CFO, reported on a challeng-ing, however, with regards to the advancement of Schweizer Electronic AG, a successful fiscal year. SCHWEIZER was able to achieve net indebtedness around zero, an equity ratio of 57.1 %, an operative cash flow of 7.2 million Euro and a significant sales increase with innovative products for the segment automotive.
During the shareholders' meeting, the Chief Executive Officer underlined that the company - despite continued pressure from competition and uncertain economic climate - looks op-timistically ahead. The reasoning behind is that SCHWEIZER expands its business in the growing regions. Furthermore, the company focusses on products and solutions that con-tribute to exploiting energy in a more efficient way and using savings potentials in con-sumption of fuel and energy as well as emissions. Challenges arising in the areas of mobility and energy efficiency will continue to be core of the divisions Electronic, Energy and Systems.